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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Journal of Health and Social Behavior149,02532
2Annual Review of Sociology37,12954
3Social Science and Medicine274,27545
4American Sociological Review103,94723
5Psychiatric Services102,190615
6Epidemiologic Reviews21,3021414
7Schizophrenia Bulletin21,2581.3K109
8American Journal of Sociology21,2525625
9Lancet, The21,0835.9K5.9K
10American Journal of Psychiatry19852.1K441
11Journal of Urban Health44949239
12Justice Quarterly34745320
13Journal of Abnormal Psychology3452291285
14Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences240350189
15American Journal of Community Psychology53335581
16Social Psychology Quarterly32911122
17Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology12893.0K616
19JAMA Psychiatry32764171.2K
20Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology7262100245
21Milbank Quarterly22583969
22JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association12405.6K8.5K
23Journal of Mental Health123236436
24Journal of Psychiatric Research12203.1K601
25American Journal of Epidemiology62174421.5K
25Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders12171.9K609
27Psychiatric Rehabilitation Skills121251
28Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease4190143220
29Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency11859840
30International Journal of Dermatology11771.6K95
31Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research317225
32British Journal of Psychiatry21661.1K1.5K
33American Journal of Orthopsychiatry2156126128
34Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin1151787556
35Psychological Medicine31418641.3K
36PLoS ONE113952.2K53.1K
37Drug and Alcohol Dependence21301.9K1.4K
38Schizophrenia Research41271.1K1.6K
39Psychiatric Quarterly111524562
40Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law11138736
41Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention11113.5K1.9K
42Psychiatry Research41081.1K2.0K
43JAMA Network Open11033.7K2.6K
44Journal of Trauma and Dissociation3863052
46Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology178286201
47Childhood Obesity174300107
48Journal of Behavioral Medicine172609536
48Law and Human Behavior172249193
48Microbial Biotechnology172750315
48Society and Mental Health1723420
52Journal of Psychoactive Drugs162274153
52Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal162203128
54Social Problems16182140
54Health Promotion Practice161340102
56Stress and Health1512129
58Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy146522470
59Journal of Offender Counseling Services Rehabilitation14521
60Humanities and Social Sciences Communications143397114
61Preventive Medicine1412.5K3.5K
62Bipolar Disorders1409001.4K
63Annual Review of Clinical Psychology13831483
64Housing Policy Debate1379984
66Substance Use and Misuse1341.1K819
66Archives of General Psychiatry1347332.4K
68Substance Use and Misuse1302155
69Community Mental Health Journal228172643
71Pan African Medical Journal126740343
71Annals of Epidemiology3262551.9K
71Journal of Bioethical Inquiry126160153
74Cadernos Saude Coletiva12516830
75Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health1221.3K2.9K
75International Journal of Law and Psychiatry122234395
75International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice1224041
78Journal of Human Stress221115
79Arthritis and Rheumatism1192.3K7.3K
81Cancer Causes and Control1171.5K3.3K
81Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma117168319
81Stigma and Health11777137
84Journal of Family Violence116330758
85Journal of Interpersonal Violence2145842.4K
85American Journal of Public Health11492509
88Health Affairs1117712.5K
91AIDS Research and Therapy18204838
91SpringerBriefs in Sociology18104
93Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies1641227
94Journal of School Health154802.0K
94Evaluation and Program Planning152791.3K
96Journal of Addictive Diseases13179837
97Journal of Criminal Justice12239694
97Social Sciences126752.5K
97Ethnicity and Disease12128806
97Pedagogy in Health Promotion1245229
101International Journal of Social Psychiatry115402.3K
101Journal of Community Psychology114912.5K
101Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities113952.5K
101Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice1125113
105Journal of Social Issues10874
105Social Policy and Administration102441.0K
105SSM Mental Health1051418