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1st most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (1993) [with 248 citations of 1 articles]
1st most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (1995) [with 839 citations of 2 articles]
1st most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (1996) [with 257 citations of 2 articles]
1st most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (1999) [with 620 citations of 1 articles]
1st most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (2004) [with 831 citations of 3 articles]
1st most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (2009) [with 583 citations of 2 articles]
2nd most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (2000) [with 508 citations of 2 articles]
2nd most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (2003) [with 620 citations of 1 articles]
2nd most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (2010) [with 582 citations of 4 articles]
3rd most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (2001) [with 136 citations of 1 articles]
4th most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (2005) [with 144 citations of 1 articles]
4th most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (2014) [with 153 citations of 2 articles]
5th most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (2007) [with 408 citations of 4 articles]
6th most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (2006) [with 279 citations of 2 articles]
9th most cited author in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (2012) [with 140 citations of 3 articles]
10th most cited paper in Psychology at Tel Aviv University (2008) [with 138 citations of an article]