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Filter by:Articles (Lifetime) (7) | Articles (per year) (42) | Citations (Lifetime) (19) | Citations (per year) (140) | Most Cited Article (Lifetime) (17) | Most Cited Article (per year) (173) | Low Rankings (Lifetime) (3) | Low Rankings (per year) (201) |
1st most cited paper in George Institute for Global Health (2004) [with 192 citations of an article]
5th most cited paper in George Institute for Global Health (2007) [with 175 citations of an article]
8th most cited paper in George Institute for Global Health (2009) [with 706 citations of an article]
10th most cited author in Peking University First Hospital (2014) [with 211 citations of 1 articles]
10th most cited author in Peking University First Hospital (2016) [with 824 citations of 1 articles]
12th most cited author in Peking University First Hospital (2017) [with 395 citations of 1 articles]
13th most cited author in Peking University First Hospital (2022) [with 134 citations of 1 articles]
15th most cited paper in Hunter Medical Research Institute (2016) [with 806 citations of an article]
22nd most published author in Imperial College London (2022) [with 26 articles having 479 citations]
26th most published author in Oxford Martin School (lifetime) [with 8 articles having 269 citations]
26th most cited paper in George Institute for Global Health (2023) [with 29 citations of an article]
28th most cited author in Peking University First Hospital (2015) [with 235 citations of 3 articles]
29th most cited author in University of New South Wales (2019) [with 2,571 citations of 36 articles]
35th most cited author in University of New South Wales (2018) [with 2,143 citations of 16 articles]
43rd most published author in Royal Melbourne Hospital (2016) [with 6 articles having 573 citations]
45th most published author in Imperial College London (2021) [with 34 articles having 843 citations]
46th most cited author in University of New South Wales (2020) [with 1,564 citations of 41 articles]
48th most cited paper in Hunter Medical Research Institute (2019) [with 191 citations of an article]
50th most cited author in University of Central Lancashire (2019) [with 102 citations of 1 articles]
53rd most cited author in University of New South Wales (2021) [with 1,170 citations of 45 articles]
62nd most cited author in Wake Forest School of Medicine (2016) [with 1,020 citations of 3 articles]
66th most published author in Royal Melbourne Hospital (2019) [with 7 articles having 349 citations]
76th most cited paper in University of Western Australia (2018) [with 1,874 citations of an article]