87(top 5%)
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35(top 5%)
59(top 5%)
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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Entrepreneurship and Regional Development991026
2Regional Studies105941835
3Small Business Economics2293236153
4Environment and Planning C: Urban Analytics and City Science32241719
5Journal of Economic Geography31972157
6Growth and Change21504623
7International Journal of Management Reviews112585190
8Economic Development Quarterly1975714
9International Journal of Cancer1949.2K7.8K
10Environment and Planning A392121402
10Research Policy192658986
12Local Economy5801526
13Journal of Technology Transfer179232206
15Urban Studies265256716
16Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society3561382
17European Planning Studies352109344
18Economic Geography25057188
18International Small Business Journal150124253
20Physical Review E14113.8K11.6K
21Industry and Innovation139150246
22Journal of Comparative Pathology136309187
23Geo Journal132352381
24Cell Death and Disease1314.8K11.1K
24Papers in Regional Science23187306
24International Review of Applied Economics13110095
24International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development23156
28Environment and Urbanization ASIA1252330
30Geophysical Research Letters11517.7K28.6K
30Journal of Intellectual Capital115173437
32Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie114167414
33Expert Systems With Applications1126.0K11.9K
34International Journal of Urban and Regional Research111187706
34International Journal of Technology Management111107316
34Journal of General Management11135100
37Science and Public Policy110236583
38Policy Studies2933308
38Strategic Change19113244
40Journal of Economic Issues1867145
40European Urban and Regional Studies2826368
40International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations182969
43Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research171618
44Zeitschrift Fur Wirtschaftsgeographie143983
44International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital143577
46Regional Science Policy and Practice13141462
47Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine125012.6K
47Journal of the Geological Society of India12288914
47European Journal of Education1281494
50Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism104432.9K
50Meditsinskiy Sovet101.3K1.8K