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2nd most cited author in Free Radical Biology and Medicine (2003) [with 833 citations of 2 articles]
4th most cited author in Free Radical Biology and Medicine (2008) [with 863 citations of 3 articles]
11th most cited paper in Free Radical Biology and Medicine (2008) [with 863 citations of an article]
17th most cited paper in Free Radical Biology and Medicine (1998) [with 181 citations of an article]
21st most cited paper in Free Radical Biology and Medicine (1997) [with 147 citations of an article]
36th most cited paper in Free Radical Biology and Medicine (2019) [with 277 citations of an article]
36th most cited paper in Journal of Frailty & Aging,the (lifetime) [with 30 citations of an article]
48th most cited paper in Journal of Clinical Investigation (1998) [with 168 citations of an article]
61st most published author in Biochemical Journal (lifetime) [with 13 articles having 805 citations]
63rd most cited author in Antioxidants and Redox Signaling (2013) [with 272 citations of 2 articles]