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Top Institutions (by citations)

#InstitutionArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Chinese Academy of Sciences1655,6352.6K3.3K
2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences581,9691.3K1.1K
3Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology481,6263027
4Ben-Gurion University of the Negev105301.1K625
5Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences6476455164
6China Institute92787002.0K
7Shandong Airlines122621.6K2.2K
8King's College London221211.3K7.7K
8St Thomas' Hospital22121.2K731
10University of Michigan311116.8K17.3K
11Banaras Hindu University11042.3K1.1K
11Madras Christian College11048.8K5.4K
13Tokyo Medical University277544489
14Creighton University170689469
15Department of Public Health55610.4K15.8K
16University of California, San Francisco25214.2K17.8K
17Osaka University15113.2K10.9K
18University of Nantes246678754
19Collège de France143883989
19French National Institute of Health and Medical Research14333.9K32.0K
21University of the Witwatersrand2343.8K3.8K
21Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1347.4K7.0K
23University of Virginia1317.8K7.8K
24China Medical University1305.2K4.9K
24Biology Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences2304.7K6.0K
26University of São Paulo12726.1K20.2K
26Télécom Paris227517580
28University of Amsterdam12613.2K13.3K
28Beijing University of Chinese Medicine1261.5K1.3K
28Academic Medical Center1263.8K5.2K
32Vietnam National University1231.2K787
32Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu123217132
32Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia123365284
35Fudan University22013.0K17.6K
36Henan University of Science and Technology218646727
37Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences117305352
38Engineering Institute1162.5K3.1K
39Claude Bernard University Lyon 11158.1K8.4K
41Georgia Southern University112463527
41Department of Mathematical Sciences1123.3K3.3K
43Polytechnic University of Milan1114.9K5.2K
44University of Otago1104.0K5.3K
44Policlinico San Donato110409561
44University of California, Berkeley11018.8K22.5K
44list of universities in China1108.5K11.9K
48University of Sheffield198.7K10.6K
49Wayne State University175.0K6.7K
49La Trobe University173.4K4.4K
51Russian Academy of Sciences2622.4K31.8K
52Trinity College Dublin154.1K5.3K
52University of South Alabama15573992
52Korea Photonics Technology Institute153560
52University of South Alabama Medical Center151476
56Northumbria University141.6K1.9K
57Florida State University134.5K6.1K
57Lehman College13162255
57Cleveland Clinic137.2K10.7K
60University of Kentucky124.9K8.1K
63Peking University1020.1K29.3K
63Pukyong National University109751.7K
63Southeast Missouri State University1051108
63University of the Free State101.2K1.9K