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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Access27760124399
2Lecture Notes in Computer Science317341.2K606
3Knowledge-Based Systems126473270
5Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence12476941
6Applied Intelligence22419229
7Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery4406922
8IEEE Internet of Things Journal11383349508
9Information Sciences8369220385
10ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery From Data53421911
11IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems1232196403
12Knowledge and Information Systems42863644
13Soft Computing723997139
14Advanced Engineering Informatics42307381
15IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics5224497828
16IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering22041.0K445
17Future Generation Computer Systems6155138733
18Information Fusion2138214486
19Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition11331.3K910
20Angewandte Chemie - International Edition111028.1K29.2K
21Applied Soft Computing Journal41083711.4K
21Arthritis Care and Research11081.9K1.2K
21Electronics (Switzerland)21083.4K547
24Computer Communications610059414
25Scientific World Journal, The390183555
26IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering289429238
27Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems586175234
28Multimedia Systems18421782
29IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics4827763.1K
30Journal of Supercomputing281633371
30ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems681146
32Applied Sciences (Switzerland)6781.3K3.1K
33Chinese Journal of Chemistry1741.5K229
34IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking173557184
35International Journal of Intelligent Systems470112439
36Studies in Big Data26710018
37Computers and Electrical Engineering366140494
37Seismological Research Letters1661.1K560
39Journal of Orthopaedic Research1632.4K2.0K
40Computers and Electronics in Agriculture1601.5K1.6K
41Pattern Recognition Letters3572921.2K
41Mobile Networks and Applications65733332
43IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems65565324
44IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence254192196
45Nature Genetics15310.2K27.9K
46IEEE Sensors Journal4521.9K4.6K
47Genome Biology1512.4K7.1K
48IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems2491.8K2.9K
49IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems5473301.7K
49Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies347122313
51Software - Practice and Experience244159291
52Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews1433.8K9.6K
53Frontiers in Psychology14111.0K9.2K
55IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics740802.3K
56International Immunopharmacology1393.0K3.5K
57Intelligent Data Analysis3383398
57IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management138984665
59IEEE Systems Journal4372491.7K
60Systematic Biology1367711.8K
60Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers236226134
62Physical Review B23423.2K35.5K
63Expert Systems With Applications1336.0K7.1K
64Expert Systems53120368
65Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing130621819
66Sustainable Cities and Society1291.4K3.5K
66Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control129525975
68PLoS ONE12852.2K64.6K
69Biology of Reproduction1272.3K4.8K
69Digital Communications and Networks127131253
71International Journal of Fuzzy Systems226171496
72Ad Hoc Networks1246081.2K
72ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications224212397
72ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology124262418
72ACM Transactions on Internet Technology5248319
76International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics123463640
76ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks42325287
78Wireless Personal Communications2221.3K1.9K
78Acta Neurologica Scandinavica1227461.4K
78Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence122128196
78IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine42230345
82Bioenergy Research1216011.1K
82Journal of Intelligent Information Systems121164350
84Fusion Science and Technology120718563
84ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing620778
86IET Systems Biology11993107
88Journal of Network and Systems Management118135255
88Perspectives in Science11838114
88Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering118541706
91Plant and Soil1173.3K7.9K
91Computer Networks1171.5K2.6K
91Data and Knowledge Engineering117237598
91Review of Financial Studies117184653
91ACM/IMS Transactions on Data Science117720
96Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology1166212.0K
97BMC Gastroenterology1151.1K3.3K
98Engineering Structures1143.5K5.8K
99International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making113153382
99Physical Communication213156524
99IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society113554573
102Journal of Healthcare Engineering1125801.9K
102Big Data11249195
105Communications in Computer and Information Science11110.7K3.2K
105International Journal of Clinical Oncology1111.0K2.3K
105Thoracic Cancer1111.4K2.3K
105Mobile Information Systems111492906
105Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems31117305
110Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing3102932.8K
111IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics199751.3K
111Cluster Computing196261.9K
111Security and Communication Networks191.4K2.3K
111Social Science Information1953150
111IEEE Communications Standards Magazine1933186
117Computational Intelligence18127564
118Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing472.1K6.9K
118BMJ Case Reports174.1K3.2K
118Science China Chemistry171.4K4.7K
118Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering172.1K1.1K
118International Wound Journal176792.0K
123IEEE Internet of Things Magazine2613199
125Optical and Quantum Electronics151.6K3.3K
125Information Processing and Management155472.2K
125Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments252322.3K
128Computing (Vienna/New York)142621.4K
128Frontiers in Public Health142.1K11.1K
128IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics141.1K3.3K
128Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing14354539
128Evolving Systems1487439
128Transport and Telecommunication1453125
128IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence14281756
135Political Science Quarterly133499
135Veterinary Microbiology132.5K6.7K
135Wireless Networks139163.0K
135Thesis Eleven134398
135Enterprise Information Systems13158844
135International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining2318154
135Psicologia Della Salute134284
143New Journal of Physics125.8K15.7K
143Journal of Signal Processing Systems122881.4K
143International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering12160628
143Scientific Programming124572.1K
143Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery122749
149Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies317194.4K
149Current Medical Imaging113891.4K
149IEEE Transactions on Big Data113031.4K
153IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science101.9K6.9K
153European Heart Journal106.1K17.4K
153FASEB Journal1019.6K38.4K
153Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering104.6K10.4K
153ISA Transactions101.5K5.5K
153Scientific Data102.6K15.9K
153International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems10195848
153IEEE MultiMedia10138874
153Japanese Journal of Urology10103209
153Ecological Informatics103562.2K
153ACM Transactions on the Web1075553
153Journal of Data and Information Quality1043333