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Top Institutions (by citations)

#InstitutionArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Western Norway University of Applied Sciences2825,78812
2Harbin Institute of Technology702,296220233
3Brandon University1312,01325
4Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School571,87534
5Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen1648514597
6University Town of Shenzhen7400126
7Shenzhen University122941.2K1.4K
8Weill Cornell Medicine22166.9K5.0K
9information school41738.5K3.7K
10Qingdao University of Technology4164267111
11Chinese Academy of Sciences314453.6K43.3K
12University of Granada51343.5K3.1K
13Marche Polytechnic University11332.0K1.1K
14Indian Institute of Technology Bombay11103.0K1.0K
15Hospital for Special Surgery11081.1K745
16Capital University of Science & Technology4766963
17Jiangsu Normal University174611397
18Fujian University of Technology5679487
19University of Toronto16329.9K23.9K
20Max Planck Society15318.5K18.0K
20Silesian University of Technology1453417800
22Wayne State University1515.0K4.3K
23Hunan Normal University343853958
24Ohio State University33720.6K27.2K
25Purdue University13612.2K10.7K
25Madras Christian College1368.8K8.2K
27Makerere University1291.5K1.2K
28Saitama University128555510
29Michigan State University12710.4K10.1K
30University of Helsinki12211.9K12.1K
31Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory1203.1K3.5K
32Nanjing University11913.7K14.2K
32PLA Eastern Theater Command General Hospital1197691.1K
34University of Edinburgh11713.8K14.9K
34McGill University11715.4K17.0K
36Hyogo College of Medicine115524795
37Freiberg University of Mining and Technology112634796
37Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine212206404
39Japanese Foundation For Cancer Research111474745
40Université catholique de Louvain194.5K5.5K
40Medway School of Science1929.0K32.2K
42Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore173.2K4.1K
42Xiamen University176.4K9.1K
42Tunis El Manar University171.2K1.4K
45University of Central Florida133.0K4.4K
45Georgia State University132.0K3.2K
47Pohang University of Science and Technology124.2K5.3K
47Maharashtra University of Health Sciences12725
50National Marine Fisheries Service206181.4K
50University of Colorado1010.8K16.7K
50Regeneron Pharmaceuticals10412779