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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Information Sciences271,9302530
2IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems161,9227641
3Knowledge-Based Systems131,2013030
4Applied Soft Computing Journal211,129717
5Information Fusion101,0341753
7International Journal of Fuzzy Systems1569055
9Computers and Industrial Engineering116233459
10Journal of Cleaner Production7614820757
11Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems95666814
12European Journal of Operational Research35001.4K381
13Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making5490116
14Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence73663565
15Soft Computing634312675
16International Journal of Intelligent Systems83213351
17Journal of the Operational Research Society13294936
18Expert Systems With Applications32761.3K735
19International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making52491723
20IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics3239968760
21Journal of Civil Engineering and Management51702934
22International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health51654.6K2.8K
23Technological and Economic Development of Economy111491350
24Nonlinear Dynamics11453.1K774
25International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics41426179
26International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems31136953
27International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems2987744
28Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja8881495
29IEEE Access4828.5K12.1K
31International Journal of Strategic Property Management5741640
32Technological Forecasting and Social Change3733091.6K
34Information Processing and Management251220680
35Sustainable Development145297498
36Cognitive Computation241128387
37Expert Systems34059267
38IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management436118717
39Biological Trace Element Research1352.1K2.2K
39Applied Intelligence4351131.2K
39Engineering Economics2353532
43IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems1332.1K2.7K
44Fuzzy Sets and Systems2315711.1K
45International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications128144273
46Reliability Engineering and System Safety1271.3K2.1K
46International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction1271.2K1.6K
48Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing5211.5K2.2K
48Operations Management Research12192188
50Computers in Industry1194771.4K
51International Transactions in Operational Research217151735
52International Journal of Production Economics1161.4K3.1K
53Water Resources Management1151.3K3.0K
53OR Spectrum115174462
55Applied Energy1126.5K17.1K
55Frontiers of Engineering Management11236164
57Revista Espanola De Documentacion Cientifica110140128
58Annals of Operations Research171.5K4.3K
59Water Environment Research155512.0K
59Environmental Engineering Science154251.6K
59Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine159334.1K
59Decision Analysis1559189
63International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control1494287
63Uncertainty and Operations Research6432
65Materials Research Express134.8K13.7K
65Communications in Computer and Information Science1310.7K10.5K
65Advanced Engineering Informatics133751.4K
65Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing13354611
70Quality and Quantity125422.0K
70IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems124011.6K
72Mathematical Problems in Engineering212.2K21.5K
72Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing111.8K3.2K
72IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems213332.6K
72Recent Patents on Engineering1169209
72Computers, Materials and Continua114271.4K
77Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews103.8K15.3K
77Information and Management103471.3K
77Profiles in Operations Research10252886
77Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies108102.3K