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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Journal of Computational Physics11026,67212
2SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis304,26932
3Journal of Scientific Computing393,29511
4SIAM Review43,23264
5Mathematics of Computation42,37721
6SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing231,37188
7SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing1852171
8Lecture Notes in Mathematics18441971
9ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis1671213
10Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering8551171
11Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering11487192268
12Numerische Mathematik84441922
13AIAA Journal3396447104
14Communications in Computational Physics1135917
15Computers and Fluids93484652
16International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics13361241
17Advances in Water Resources2324703238
18Transportation Research Part B: Methodological4318182189
19Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics930211594
20Applied Numerical Mathematics82293244
21Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences12081.3K178
22Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences51594983
23Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena4146219357
24Physical Review E21388.5K4.2K
25Physics of Fluids41132.3K1.7K
26Journal of Computational Electronics5976965
27Acta Numerica196993
28Methods and Applications of Analysis39323
29VLSI Design78255
30Science China Mathematics4672037
30The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications367415
32Graphical Models165410
33Astrophysical Journal66210.0K18.0K
34Combustion and Flame1602.1K1.7K
35International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering2568131.3K
36Kinetic and Related Models2543832
37Acta Mathematica Scientia15019748
37Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B15044291
39Applied Mathematics and Computation2471.8K2.1K
39Computers and Mathematics With Applications2478101.2K
39Applied Mathematics Letters247539608
42Inverse Problems and Imaging14515070
43Multiscale Modeling and Simulation34267240
44Chinese Physics Letters138639264
45Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica2322422
45New Astronomy332102261
47Transportation Science130381652
48Computers and Structures1288321.4K
49Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences12573
49Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation825110
51Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering1223501.0K
51Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications222213
51BoletÍn De La Sociedad EspaÑola De MatemÁtica Aplicada12223
54Physical Review Letters12141.8K64.9K
55Journal of Fluid Mechanics1205.0K6.1K
55Advances in Aerodynamics1202721
57IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems1181.7K1.5K
58Physics of Plasmas1166.6K6.9K
58Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie1166231.3K
60Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao115376677
61International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids1138231.6K
62International Journal of Sustainable Transportation112199685
62Fields Institute Communications112924
64Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations110564924
66SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis187941.4K
66Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics28354378
68Science Bulletin179604.5K
69Philosophical Transactions Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences161.6K7.3K
71Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering251031.3K
72AIP Conference Proceedings349.0K17.8K
72SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics145731.5K
72Advances in Computational Mathematics14307887
72La Matematica1442
76Journal of Physiology134.8K13.9K
76Procedia Computer Science133.0K8.4K
76IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis13225755
79Applied Mathematical Modelling111.9K7.2K
79Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering114.4K4.8K
81Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations1055220
81Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society1056170