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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1International Journal of Production Research704,26725
2Expert Systems With Applications311,978818
4International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology199859535
5Journal of Materials Processing Technology108966833
6Decision Support Systems78472629
7Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing15738418
8Computers and Industrial Engineering147232143
9International Journal of Production Economics6677165145
10Supply Chain Management6569616
11Industrial Management and Data Systems23444222
12Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management738711
13Information Sciences7284283565
14International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing72811419
15Applied Mathematical Modelling6244106162
16Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing42234570
17Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review521785178
18Applied Soft Computing Journal6210180606
19Technological Forecasting and Social Change11841.2K571
20Knowledge-Based Systems4175343571
21International Journal of Fuzzy Systems217317131
22Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence3153219297
24Annals of Operations Research5143159337
25IEEE Communications Magazine1142387466
26Journal of Cleaner Production61361.1K6.3K
27International Journal of Intelligent Systems2117343237
28Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems311312
29Applied Mathematics and Computation31051.1K959
30Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management29478136
31Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice188805453
32IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics3871.2K2.9K
33International Journal of Information Management182357653
34Management Decision177350270
35Journal of Manufacturing Systems37489436
36Online Information Review17214879
37Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture367121161
38IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems4665031.6K
40Operations Research Letters162520194
41International Journal of Business Performance Management35834
42Journal of Business Research1551.9K2.8K
43IEEE Wireless Communications154507928
44Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management1506580
45International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making148153101
46IEEE Access34513.4K23.3K
47International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health24117.6K18.6K
49Advanced Engineering Informatics239179566
50Applied Intelligence1381.2K1.1K
51Neural Computing and Applications1372.4K2.4K
51Expert Systems33759305
51Swarm and Evolutionary Computation237164605
54Natural Hazards1361.8K2.5K
54Computers and Operations Research1361.3K1.7K
54IEEE Internet of Things Journal1366.9K5.7K
57European Journal of Operational Research3351.4K4.4K
57Business Strategy and the Environment2353161.6K
59International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology534423
61Soft Computing2318792.0K
62Mathematical Problems in Engineering5303071.7K
62Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE130740916
65Biochemical Systematics and Ecology125798883
66Scientific Reports12455.6K64.0K
66International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management124157362
68Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications123679747
69International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management12163
70IEEE Systems Journal1202.0K2.9K
70Journal of Air Transport Management220167704
72Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal1171564
73Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering1161.4K2.8K
73International Journal of Operations and Production Management116399846
75International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management2141050
76Science China Information Sciences1121.0K1.9K
76Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences112442649
76Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing112151313
76International Journal of Business and Systems Research2121028
80International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management111143159
81Transportation Research Part B: Methodological196391.5K
81Mobile Networks and Applications195911.5K
81IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans19131606
81Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research19108277
85International Transactions in Operational Research184051.2K
85Measuring Business Excellence1855186
85Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization18182313
85IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management283792.2K
89Scientific World Journal, The172.0K8.5K
89International Journal of Services, Technology and Management27769
89International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling171643
92Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization15303594
92Journal of Computer Information Systems15105312
94Lecture Notes in Computer Science4418.4K60.4K
94Mathematics and Computers in Simulation148262.5K
94Computers in Industry144772.1K
94SAGE Open141.0K3.0K
94Journal of Advanced Transportation141.2K3.1K
94Electronic Commerce Research1481672
94Journal of Environmental Management146.9K25.2K
101International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications133088
101European Journal of Industrial Engineering2315264
101International Journal of Enterprise Network Management132322
104Computers and Chemical Engineering121.3K3.6K
104International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping123531.2K
104Engineering Optimization124211.7K
107Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering114.4K4.8K
107Transportation Letters11137777
109IFAC Postprint Volumes IPPV / International Federation of Automatic Control102.5K5.1K
109Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences10117632
109IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology201.1K5.5K
109Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering1081425