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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Journal of Business Research105,478513
2International Journal of Consumer Studies16932616
3Technological Forecasting and Social Change3389309206
4Psychology and Marketing53322458
5Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance129111416
6Journal of Strategic Marketing8271415
7International Journal of Management Education2268395
8Global Business and Organizational Excellence826221
9Service Industries Journal123325229
10Modern Applied Science519852
11Australasian Marketing Journal31533834
12Electronic Commerce Research21432126
13Industrial Marketing Management4133133402
14Journal of Consumer Behaviour21245761
15Journal of International Marketing11226987
16Current Issues in Tourism511943221
17Activities, Adaptation and Aging1411513
18Marketing Theory111410540
19Annals of Operations Research11071.5K488
20Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services710656474
21Business Strategy and the Environment2104316648
22Computers and Education11039241.1K
23Internet Research1102233139
24Journal of Computer Information Systems2984543
25Marketing Intelligence and Planning593862
26Journal of Small Business Management188201224
27Tourism Recreation Research2828974
28Journal of Global Marketing1814415
29International Journal of Bank Marketing27873145
30Information Systems Frontiers171284249
31Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing1664841
32Journal of Cleaner Production16212.7K13.9K
33Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management45921142
34European Journal of Marketing152253389
35Journal of Information Systems1478654
36Tourism Management Perspectives145158361
36Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing2451930
38Research in International Business and Finance243121360
39International Journal of Hospitality Management341202999
39Journal of Information Science141213207
39European Journal of Innovation Management24150229
42Journal of Enterprise Information Management135183324
43Journal of Health Organization and Management134181125
44International Journal of Global Environmental Issues232626
45Electronic Markets126146299
46Journal of Advertising125110240
46Contemporary Management Research32515
48Thunderbird International Business Review124158214
48Career Development International124116244
48International Journal of Healthcare Management12410574
51International Journal of Manpower123165340
52Economic Modelling1218841.4K
53Journal of Product and Brand Management120106334
54Journal of Transport and Health118503786
55Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing117197448
56Social Indicators Research1159672.4K
56Journal of Leisure Research11598228
58Personnel Review111251755
59Journal of Knowledge Management19206880
60Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences1860253
61Journal of Social Sciences16521
61Journal of Travel Research163811.1K
63Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management153221.1K
63International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing2516104
65Quality in Higher Education1440217
65Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics14162563
67Journal of Education131190
67Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing13273878
67Educational Practice and Theory131028
70Asian Social Science12186553
70Journal of Brand Management12104674
70Business Information Review122073
70Journal of Management Research12649
74International Journal of Tourism Research211221.2K
74Review of Business Research1113
74International Journal of Strategic Management11210
77International Journal of Public Law and Policy10415
77International Journal of Business Strategy1013
77Journal of International Management Studies1023
77European Journal of Business Research1023