Type: (null)
Journal: Biological Reviews
Year: 2020
Pages: 95, 1511-1534
Scientists' warning on invasive alien species
Distribution of the number of citations over years.


1Daniel Simberloff32139665321
2Andrew M Liebhold26819204268
3Aníbal Pauchard1589056158
4David M Richardson55951619559
5Franz Essl26618276266
6Hanno Seebens69848869
7Helen E Roy13111243131
8Ingolf Kühn20028151200
9James T Carlton911144191
10Jan Pergl18619864186
11Jonathan M Jeschke17614167176
12Laura A Meyerson1417902141
13Llewellyn C Foxcroft62283862
14Mark Van Kleunen31524018315
15Michael J Wingfield1350519471350
16Montserrat Vil21428539214
17Nicholas E Mandrak1425202142
18Petr Pyšek53455757534
19Philip E Hulme27829514278
20Piero Genovesi831452783
21Sven Bacher14321232143
22Tim M Blackburn20424664204
23Wayne Dawson11410543114