Type: (null)
Journal: Nucleic Acids Research
Year: 2019
Pages: 47, D1128-D1136
Cucurbit Genomics Database (CuGenDB): a central portal for comparative and functional genomics of cucurbit crops
Distribution of the number of citations over years.


1José Blanca37436637
2Yi Zheng81844981
3Shan Wu22214422
4Honghe Sun39476639
5Chen Jiao1156366115
6Shaogui Guo29255629
7Sanwen Huang13719446137
8Yong Xu91696091
9Yiqun Weng1136243113
10Michael Mazourek39163839
11Umesh K Reddy79321579
12James J Giovannoni23125093231
13Kai-shu Ling72256872
14Jordi Garcia-mas98695998
15Rebecca Grumet45201845
16Zhangjun Fei31524769315