Type: (null)
Journal: Nature Communications
Year: 2019
Pages: 10, 356
Penaeid shrimp genome provides insights into benthic adaptation and frequent molting
Distribution of the number of citations over years.


1Xiaojun Zhang1022987102
2Jianbo Yuan65241265
3Shihao Li89267889
4Yi Gao1564333156
5Yang Yu39171339
6Chengzhang Liu1993319
7Xiaoxi Zhang1257112
8Ka Yan Ma2486024
9Chengsong Zhang2277222
10Jiquan Zhang54179654
11Jie Kong33123133
12Peng Xu44416933444
13Patrick Sorgeloos1023638102
14Amir Sagi1366293136
15Ka Hou Chu1354880135
16Bin Liu94248594
17Fuhua Li31310126313
18Jianhai Xiang2999226299
19Jie Kong1042010104