Type: (null)
Journal: Nature Genetics
Year: 2019
Pages: 51, 1616-1623
Resequencing of 414 cultivated and wild watermelon accessions identifies selection for fruit quality traits
Distribution of the number of citations over years.


1Lei Gao27175527
2Shaogui Guo29255629
3Wenge Liu1753017
4Changlong Wen37133937
5Guoyi Gong17189717
6Haiying Zhang17189717
7Honghe Sun39476639
8Jie Zhang19107119
9Maoying Li94209
10Nan He94989
11Sanwen Huang13719446137
12Shan Wu22214422
13Shouwei Tian1578515
14Tao Lin28435228
15Wenge Liu30108330
16Xin Wang1674416
17Xuqiang Lu1035610
18Yong Xu91696091
19Zhangjun Fei31524769315
20Muhammad Haris Saeed4172141
21Muhammad Saeed1331854133