Type: (null)
Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Year: 2018
Pages: 115, E2264-E2273
Global rise in emerging alien species results from increased accessibility of new source pools
Distribution of the number of citations over years.


1Hanno Seebens69848869
2Tim M Blackburn20424664204
3Ellie E Dyer15345415
4Piero Genovesi831452783
5Philip E Hulme27829514278
6Jonathan M Jeschke17614167176
7Petr Pyšek53455757534
8Mark Van Kleunen31524018315
9Marten Winter12114494121
10Michael Ansong35104435
11Margarita Arianoutsou55600855
12Sven Bacher14321232143
13Bernd Blasius1129500112
14Eckehard G Brockerhoff1077099107
15Giuseppe Brundu70548270
16César Capinha72556872
17Laura Celesti-grapow36405236
18Wayne Dawson11410543114
19Stefan Dullinger15715096157
20Benoit Guénard1524847152
21Nicol Fuentes23477523
22Heinke Jäger25289725
23Marc Kenis14211067142
24Ingolf Kühn20028151200
25Bernd Lenzner61502961
26Andrew M Liebhold26819204268
27Dietmar Moser87798187
28Wolfgang Nentwig76677776
29Jan Pergl18619864186
30Wolfgang Rabitsch72817772
31Julissa Rojas-sandoval32261932
32Alain Roques36415536
33Helen E Roy13111243131
34Stefan Schindler62565362
35Kateřina ŠTajerov12275612
36Barbara Tokarska-guzik24244624
37Darren F Ward60182560
38Takehiko Yamanaka52322152
39Franz Essl26618276266