Type: (null)
Journal: Nature Ecology and Evolution
Year: 2017
Pages: 1,
Global hotspots and correlates of alien species richness across taxonomic groups
Distribution of the number of citations over years.


1Benoit Guénard1524847152
2Bernd Lenzner61502961
3Carsten Meyer49329249
4César Capinha72556872
5Dietmar Moser87798187
6Ellie E Dyer15345415
7Emili García-berthou16410710164
8Evan P Economo96236096
9Franz Essl26618276266
10Hanno Seebens69848869
11Holger Kreft24423974244
12Jan Pergl18619864186
13Mark Van Kleunen31524018315
14Marten Winter12114494121
15Nicholas E Mandrak1425202142
16Patrick Weigelt1309462130
17Petr Pyšek53455757534
18Phillip Cassey23311835233
19Tim M Blackburn20424664204
20Wayne Dawson11410543114
21Wolfgang Nentwig76677776
22B Guénard1104650110