Type: (null)
Journal: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Year: 2014
Pages: 281, 20133330
A global analysis of the impacts of urbanization on bird and plant diversity reveals key anthropogenic drivers
Distribution of the number of citations over years.


1Myla F J Aronson40345140
2Frank A La Sorte93633793
3Charles H Nilon37285337
4Madhusudan Katti32296332
5Mark A Goddard25484825
6Christopher A Lepczyk83399983
7Paige S Warren48538848
8Nicholas S G Williams41562441
9Sarel S Cilliers27212827
10Bruce D Clarkson19236019
11Cynnamon Dobbs28308328
12Marcus Hedblom45321445
13Stefan Klotz10411237104
14Ingolf Kühn20028151200
15Ian Macgregor-fors1214275121
16Ulla Mörtberg55309655
17Petr Pyšek53455757534
18Stefan J Siebert74211474
19Marten Winter12114494121
20Alessandro Brunelli3099399309