Type: review
Journal: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Year: 2014
Pages: 12, 557-564
Managing the whole landscape: historical, hybrid, and novel ecosystems
Distribution of the number of citations over years.


1Richard J Hobbs37134284371
2Eric Higgs33363633
3Peter Bridgewater48312148
4F Stuart Chapin32176257321
5Erle C Ellis13519619135
6John J Ewel1060510
7Lauren M Hallett63327163
8Stephen T Jackson14518030145
9Patricia L Kennedy58217558
10Christoph Kueffer1148059114
11Lori Lach56495256
12Trevor C Lantz55316555
13Cara R Nelson54410854
14Michael P Perring95400795
15David M Richardson55951619559
16Rachel J Standish1014420101
17Brian M Starzomski30104730
18Katharine N Suding18817280188
19Pedro M Tognetti43141343
20Laith Yakob1073629107
21Laurie Yung1294212
22Erica Westenberg1180111