Type: (null)
Journal: PLoS Genetics
Year: 2013
Pages: 9, e1003323
Plant-Symbiotic Fungi as Chemical Engineers: Multi-Genome Analysis of the Clavicipitaceae Reveals Dynamics of Alkaloid Loci
Distribution of the number of citations over years.


1Christopher L Schardl1339851133
2Carolyn A Young1176813117
3Uljana Hesse12129912
4Neil Moore96139
5Daniel G Panaccione78427778
6Christine R Voisey18143918
7Donal M O’sullivan54365454
8Barry Scott1066810106
9Zhiqiang An17410755174
10Murray P Cox1627720162
11Randy D Dinkins53206553
12Ulrich Güldener611282761
13Daniel R Harris2953229
14Richard D Johnson53267053
15Adrian Leuchtmann93472393
16Chunjie Li1314185131
17Miao Liu1227312122
18Wade J Mace46102046
19Padmaja Nagabhyru20140020
20Jan Schmid32163832
21Eiji Tanaka39101239
22Eiji Tanaka1214591121
23Ruriko Yoshida41107641
24Nikki D Charlton42278742
25Gordon S Lynch22014687220
26Michael Grätzel762218782762
27Francesc Illas76333625763
28Feng Xu1182859118